Our optional instructional video CDs are out-of-print. These video CDs use the Adobe Flash format, which was the standard for online video content when those CDs were printed in the 2012-2013 time-frame. Recently, Adobe has decided to discontinue Flash support, and major web browser such as Chrome, Firefox and Safari are making it increasingly difficult to play Flash content. Adobe and most web browsers plan to completely remove all Flash support in the 2019-2020 time-frame.
Consequently, CompuScholar's support for the older instructional videos on physical CDs is limited to the viability of the Flash player on the particular web browser you are using. This page contains a collection of configuration steps that have worked in the past to enable Flash playback from our physical CDs.
Instructional videos on CD use the Adobe Flash Player and will appear in your computer's web browser. Click here to install Adobe Flash Player, if you do not already have it.
This page does not apply to the instructional videos in our current online courses. Those videos are streamed in MP4 format and have no known playback issues on any browser.
Loading..., Connection Errors, Spinning Circles or Hangs
On Sept 13th, 2016 Adobe released update 23 of the Flash Player. This update includes a change to the default security settings that may prevent successful playback from a local CD. If you see a long-term spinning circle ("Loading...") or a "Connection Error" when viewing any part of a video, please follow the Adobe Flash Configuration Instructions below to correct the error.
Adobe Flash Configuration Instructions (Required)
Additional Troubleshooting Steps
Before you begin, make sure that your web browser has enabled JavaScript and installed Adobe Flash Player as described above. The videos will display in a pop-up browser window, so if you click on a link and do not see that video, ensure your browser is not blocking pop-ups from our CD.
When you insert the videos CD into your computer's CD drive, the "menu.html" file should be launched automatically. Some computers may have disabled the "AutoRun" feature, so you can always launch the videos yourself by double-clicking on the "menu.html" file from your videos CD.
Apart from Adobe Flash itself, Microsoft, Google, Apple, or Mozilla may make changes to default browser settings as they release different versions of their web browsers. In some cases these changes may prevent Flash movies from easily playing from a local CD. After completing the required Flash changes listed above, if you are still unable to play any video, or find a video that seems to hang or displays an error, please click on your web browser below for additional corrective steps.
If these steps do not work, please Contact Us for help.