Windows Programming C# and the Visual Studio 2019 IDE


Microsoft has released the 2019 version of the Visual Studio Community Edition IDE. Our Windows Programming with C# course can be completed using either Visual Studio 2017 or Visual Studio 2019.

We have now made the following updates to our Windows Programming C# course:

  • New Visual Studio 2019 Installation and Licensing Instructions can be found in the Chapter 1 Activity.
  • Small updates were made in Chapter 2 to describe the new-project creation process for both 2017 and 2019 versions of the IDE.

If you are just starting a course now, then simply follow the new installation instructions to get the 2019 version. If you have already installed the 2017 version of Visual Studio, you may continue to use that version; there is no need to upgrade.

Both versions work substantially the same way, with only minor cosmetic differences.

If you have any questions about the upgrade, please Contact Us.

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